Portencross to Douglas hill

Today Graham and I went off on the MTBs on local trails, I have a bit of a cold and Graham was not feeling top notch either.
The beach was beautiful, crystal clear, bright and sunny.
The early frost was soon vapourised while we pottered along just taking in the views, it wasn't to last though a veil of cloud came over from the east and the temperature fell sharply as we climbed up past fairlie castle to the high Kelburn track.
At the Dougals view point above Largs we took in the view before scooting off down the upper downhill trail, out to Haylie brae and back to the long slog through Kelburn toward the Fairlie Glen downhill, a great little trail well worth the effort.
On route Grahams saddle decided to fall apart, but a little bit of twig held it together till we got back to my place and made a repair before he set off home.
Good day out, todays pictures here.
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