Water and Snow

Late morning Anne and I went up to Largs for a spot of lunch at Craigmiles Cafe then along to Fairlie for a walk up into Kelburn.
The Fairlie Glen burn was going really well due to snow melt and two days of rain, so wondered up close to the water taking a few pictures.
Just below the castle is a meeting of two streams both falling into a gully 30feet deep, so it's quite impressive, and a little too dangerous to get the best pictures, but I managed a nice composite before wandering up to the main falls, they were quite spectacular, climbed down to give a sense of size to the picture, spay was everywhere.
PM took a fancy to bike up Law Hill onto the last of the snow where it had drifted on the north west side.
As I cycled down the drift my front wheel went deep into the snow till finally the bike stalled I was upright pedaling, the back wheel turning but I wasn't going anywhere, had to put my tummy on the saddle and push with one leg like a scooter to go downhill off the drift, very amusing.
Pictures here.
Sounds like you had fun, the snow never got the chance to settle down here, rained too much, weather for the next couple of days looks reasonable, so will hit the mud in the morning
Have fun!
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