Law, Kaim and Portencross

Graham was keen to have a good off road cycle today.
Jim had told me there was a motorcycle trials on the moor today, so we thought it would be good to make our way round there and take in the action.
Went up Law hill to start, its got a good view over WK and a nice little downhill off the back.
Crossed a field onto Crosbie moor and round to Fairlie moor in a bit of a soft (hard work) track, when we got there - no trials bikes - oh well at least the track up to the quarry was still in one piece so we did the downhill, Portencross and the beach.
Five hours on local trails, great fun, see Blaeloch hill photos here.
Cheers for the info, that should be easy enough to follow, says i, knowing me, i will probably end up miles from where i wanted to be.
Getting a little lost is all part of the fun.
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