More wobbles on Glentane

Horse in Kelburn
Anne and I went up to the homes and garden exhibtion in SECC this morning, didn't get much out of the visit though but I did buy a pair of cheap gloves for the winter days on the bike, so not a complete waste of a morning.
It was bright after we got home so I jumped on the MTB for a spin.
I'd enjoyed the MTB ride on Glentane so much yesterday that I decided to repeat the muddy rutted downhill on it's north side, on the way up there I noticed a neighbours car parked at Crosbie reserviour, discovered later he and another friend from the village were up there looking for water routes for a mini hydro scheme they are planning.
After Glentane I thought it'd be nice to go up Kaim hill after doing Caldron hill testerday , so set off that way but couldn't quite bring myself to endure the cold wind right to the top, only went far enough to get the best of the downhill from just above the quarry.
It was really clear again but I didn't linger just shot off onto the thrills of the downhill, then back through Hunterston for tea.
A great couple of hours MTBing.
Some pictures here.
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