Trail bashing between showers
Just did a couple of hours trail bashing this morning while Anne was busy making up curtains for the living room, she wants to brighten the place up a bit.
After a light lunch we went for a short walk round Blair Estate outside Dalry.
It's a nice walk in this type of weather, it's got some shelter from the wind and rain if needed.
We sometimes go along to Dalgarven mill afterwards for a coffee but today we didn't bother.
Went up the moor for an hour meandering about one of the downhill MTB sections doing minor clearing before tea.
I tried out the Greenan Castle trail again today, still a bit nerve wracking going down from the castle, and the section through the field is still a slog, will take time to flatten the undergrowth and get the trail bedded
I have a similar boredom problem with the road up Fairlie moor, I just don't like it, but it gets me there without being completely knackered, so I just play with the gears, sit, stand, whistle, hum a tune, watch the view, day dream...doesn't work though its still a hard 250m of tarmac climb.
I do have a rule of thumb though "tarmac up singletrack down" it works very well, the boring before the frightening.
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