A few days of the usual

Greenock and the Clyde
Sunday past Graham's twins had their 21st birthday but Graham was keen to have a few hours out on the MTBs before the boys surfaced from their late night, so I went over his way and we headed up to the windfarm and down to West Kilbride on the Kings Road trail, coffee break at my place then up Crosbie on to the moor.
Unfortunately my derailuer wrapped itself round my spokes so a brute force repair was applied and we made our way back.
Nice little outing even with the mechanical mishap.
Yesterday was gloriously sunny, Anne and I went up to Cornalees for a walk near the Greenock cut, absolutely stunning view over Greenock and the Clyde, picture above. We walked the little reserviors rather than the main cut, I find it a little more interesting with changes of ground and slope.
View route descriptions here.
Some pictures here
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