The peninsula circuit

Anne suffered a pulled calf muscle playing tennis last week and hasn't been able to do much since then, this morning however we did a gentle cycle around the Hunterston peninsula and she seemed to manage OK.
We were kucky enough to see the Peregrine Falcons again.
A few weeks back the young had just fledged and I managed to get a couple of reasonable pictures at the time when they were a bit hesitant to fly off.
Then a few days later we saw the parent passing prey during flight, part of the youngsters training, since then we havent seen them until today.
They were making a bit of a racket as three of them flew along the cliff, I think one of them had a kill which may explain the calling, others were swooping along the cliff but were a little far away to see if they were chasing anything.
PM was a little wet so went a walk into Kelburn to check out a trail and do a little clearing, it wasn't too choked but still spent more than 2 hours whacking away till tea time.
With all the good weather over the last 6 weeks I havn't been over the trails much so I've got a bit of clearing to catch up on, hopefully the fern growth is over and they will stay clear when done.
Portencross trails here. today we linked through Hunterston estate and back to Portencross through Thirdpart small holdings then along the beach and Glen back home.
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