Fairlie Glen again

Failie Glen View
I was on builder watch duty yesterday morning but that was OK as it was showery, blowy and cold but PM it was Annes turn so got out to play at video making with my helmet camera holder. Played about at Hunterston and Glodenberry but there was shower coming so headed up to Failie Glen. It was clear up that way and I had a nice opportunity to video the Glen downhill again and one or two little waterfalls.
Took about 16 minutes of video and condensed it down to 1 minute which can be viewed below or some photos here.
wow the helmet camera works just fine, gives some good views of your trails, and how come your trails are not a quagmire, all the trails down here are mud pits.
Switched to the new version of Blogger, just found out that i now cannot log in and post on the old style Blog, sheee
I'm pleased with the results with the helmet thing but I need some more memory for the camera to get better longer video.
Some of the trails up here have a good base so stay reasonable others just turn to mud.
I'm holding off of the new blogger for now until I need to swap, they say change is good but I'm not convinced.
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