Mauchline Gorge

Fungi in Mauchline Gorge
Didn't manage out on the bike today it was cold, wet and windy, instead after a spot of shopping Anne and I went along to Mauchline Gorge for a gentle wander along the new path.
The nice thing about the new bit is it gives a circuit rather than out and back, a sort of figure of eight if you go left to the gorge instead of following the new track immediately.
I'm always impressed with the gorge all that ancient sandstone worn away by the river, the great viaduct span, the cup and ring markings, the mill lade and of course the riverside path.
For a walk thats only a mile or so its just stuffed full of history and interest.
Took a bit of video along the way and I'd like to think it gives a nice impession of the gorge, but its still worth investigating in the raw.
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