Clyde coast harbours

Ardrossan Harbour
Warm and still this morning so it was going to be a cycling day, generate our own cooling breeze while keeping ahead of biting bugs and flies.
I put the bikes on the car and we drove down to Fularton Woods.
From there we did an easy road loop of about 30km with a lunch stop at Langholm farm tearoom on the way back.
The route is similar to this one but without the eastern loop to Craigie.
Got back to the car about 2pm and decided I'd cycle home along the National Cycleway, I don't tend to use it much but from Fularton its direct and hasn't much climb.
Along the way it got nice and sunny so I stopped of for photos at Troon marina, Irvine Harbourside and Ardrossan Marina, view them here.
In all I was 6hours on the bike reinforcing the need for me to get a new (more comfy) seat.
Not keen on the loading delay with the humyo flash player but I quite like the idea of an integrated slide show. Shouldn't be too difficult to put one together but maybe linking to photos could get tedious. I'll give it a little time and effort......maybe.
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