
Knapdale fox

When viewed on a map I've always thought the Mull of Kintyre together with Arran form a strong resemblance to a part of the male anatomy, just north in the groin area is a landmass with the lovely name of Knapdale.
Tom and I had plans to visit its west coast a 32 mile loop of single track road but first we had to get through Arran and over the hill to Tarbert before we could even start the loop.
It was going to be an overnight stay and if the weather held we intended to venture further north.
What a lovely bit of road it turned out to be, sort of three sections to it split up by the scenery.
The first bit from the south is in beautiful deciduous woodland with occasional glimpses of Loch Tarbert on the left. The road dips and rises nicely giving plenty of opportunity to get the bum out of the saddle.
The middle section is high and open with a great view over to Islay and Jura.
Half way round is the little village of Kilberry with a pub, we were out of luck, it only opens 12 to 2 so we were stuck with energy bars and plain old water to keep us going.
The last section descends to a set of beautiful beaches beside Loch Caolisport ending in a big climb back over to Ardrishaig.
The good weather didn't hold for the second day so we headed back on the Portavadie ferry and Bute, getting wet on the way, although the views over the Kyles of Bute were quite atmospheric with the low cloud rising off the hills.
Lovely cycle outing I'd recommend it get some idea of what it like from the SB video.
Route description here.
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