Just stay indoors

What a change, slinging it down out there.
Anne and I did a bit to the kitchen and I put yesterdays route on my web site, click here to view.
There is a problem with my garage (bike shed) door so I have decided to convert it from up and over to half opening, cause I'm a cheepskate, so went off and bought a few bits at B&Q. Just need a half decent day at it and a bit of help from my boy.
Friday looks as if it may be good for an outing, we shall see, but it'll be road bike cause the hills will be sh**ty.
When I was up in the Carrick Hills, it was not as wet and soggy as I had expected, I suspect that because it is so warm that it is drying out wuicker than normal
Two days of rain will put some slip and slide back into the ground, maybe with a little grip and grind on the side as well.
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