Graham phoned early and we decided it was set fair for a bit of local off road, by 9.30 we were on our way.
Graham was hoping for plenty of off road so I was going to give it my best shot.
The first UP was Biglees quarry, its only just cycleable all the way up and gives some great views, but beyond is the moor and a drop into Glenburn falls.
Quote from Graham while struggling across the burn
"this bike makes a great zimmer frame"
The funny bit is he nearly needed it after his ribs tackled the handlebars on the downhill from kaim quarry.
Then it was UP again to the view point above the Fairlie track and a little stop to admire the view (wheeze, wheeze).
Down into Fairlie past the castle and a snack lunch looking across to Arran from the pincnic spot near the pier.
UP again into Kelburn and Graham says "is that the hard bit then" and the next quote a few seconds later is "Jesus!" as we turn off the tarmac UP to the high Kelurn trail.
What goes up must come down and eventually we turned down, bumping our way down past Fairlie castle again eventually returning through Hunterston, Portencross and the Beach.
Excellent half day out, just time for a little walk with Anne up to the windfarm before tea.
So how many miles travelled, and whats the highest point on the trail.
Although it sounds like you were having a bit of fun at your mates expense, not that i am above that sort of thing.
I love taking may mates from Greenan Castle to the Masts, and love to see their faces when they see that the hill just gets steeper and steeper
Don't count the miles count the hours, it all depends on terain and fitness, 4 hours 500m up and down, with lots of fun on the way, on my part at least.
Graham could have lived without the rib bashing, scraped knee, and mud bath. But he's game for more, so he says.
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