Wee Cumbrae

Lighthouse on Wee Cumbrae
For my birthday Anne arranged a day trip to Wee Cumbrae with a few friends, originally it was to be Saturday but the weather forecast was bad so she postponed it to Sunday, just as well the sun shone on us and it was a flat calm for the crossing. The boat was a semi inflatable for 12 people and it could sure go at some speed, but very stable as the guy threw it about to give us a thrill.
On the way over we saw a porpoise in open water and then some resting seals on the rocks at Millport.
The island is looked after by Al and Bonnie Davidson, they made us welcome, showed us where to stow our stuff then showed us the garden they've made a lovely job of the garden and grounds around the big house.
We all dashed across to Castle Island before the tide cut it off but even so on the way back one of our party managed to get wet feet as she failed to keep her footing on the wet rocks.
The caretakers keep a path open to the west side of the island where there is a lighthouse built by Thomas Smith in 1793. Its not operating now but its worth a visit for the great views alone.
We had our picnic there before coming back across the island.
The gulls were nesting at the highest point and weren't happy with the disturbance, but we managed to catch sight of a few nests with big chicks, eggs, and a chick just emerging.
The return trip was super fast, the chap was probably ready for his tea, we stopped of at the marina for a quick refreshment before heading home.
Great day out!
View photos here.
View video here.
Info from www.cumbraevoyages.co.uk
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