'Explore' Andalucia

Exotic flower Canillas village
The walking club from Hunterston were off to sunny Spain for a weeks walking in Andalicia, Anne and I were joining them. We were centred in the pretty village of Canillas de Albaida near Competa in a lovely hotel Posada la Plaza all organised by 'Explore' holidays and led by our lovely natured guide Sarah from Califorinia.
Lovely area for walks, day 1 was two easyish walks from the village and lunch at the Wine museum in Competa. Day 2 a lovely walk to Salares village, day 3 was on part of the ancient silk route. Gradually the weeks walks built up to the last day up Cerro Lucero 1779m high with a wonderful very steep rocky zig zag track to the top and of course fabulous views.
Wonderful week of walking and the food was absolutely fabulous, Gustavos or host was quite a character. He came on some of the walks sporting a cowboy hat and when he learned Morris was a keen tennis player he challenged him to the local game, a bit of a mix of tennis and squash, of course Gustavos won much to Gustavos's delight.
View slideshow video may follow soon......done view it below.
Hi, was wondering why i hadn't seen a post in the last week. Hope you had a nice holiday, the mountains look great.
Very nice thanks just missed bad weather the previous week some nice walking over there and by the looks of it plenty of mountain bike tracks.
Nice video. Reminded me of this video I seen the other day. An epic down hill track if ever there was one.
WOW! Those guys should have died, I was scared just watching, come to think of it some of the folk they flew passed must have been a bit pissed off.
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