River Ayr in Spate

Autumn colour by the River Ayr
Anne and I had business down in Ayr today but after sorting that out (and having a spot of lunch) we went over for a walk by Auchincruive. What a surprise we got, the river was in spate, wow what a sight!
It was just like the river was cleansing itself all the debris along its banks was being washed downstream toward the sea including whole trees. There were huge standing waves all along the river especially at the bend where the water seemed to roll over itself four or five times producing waves about five feet high.
Anne wasn't happy walking beside it, it was.. er.. stimulating being so close to all that power, it was really nice to climb away and head back via the high track well away from the river side.
Lots of fungi in the wood too, view the video below or view a slideshow.
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