A slow day

Sort of a slow motion day today, took till past midday to get out and about, if you don't count driving to the dump with some ex-kitchen and garden rubbish, not to mention a spot of the dreaded gardening (my expertise is in drastic weeding, where you use a spade to get the weeds out of the ground).
After lunch however Anne was happy to go out for a walk, there was a nice breeze, my son gave us a lift to Fairlie and we enjoyed a very nice stroll back along the side of the hills to Crosbie, then for a little change over Drummilling hill.
Got back about 4.30 in good time for tea.
Took some cracking photos (of the usual stuff) but can't be ar**d putting them on a web page.
By the way the pic above is from Glentress last year two tired and contented cyclists at the cafe after a good thrashing around in the forest, they were both sound asleep in the sun. That was agreat day out.
Had a look at the Howmoor Cottage trail today, but it looks a bit confusing up there, i spotted a few trails that seemd to crisscross the hills, how can i tell which is the right one.
Just gave up and headed back to the cottage and back along the road.
It was not a wasted journey, i enjoyed the climb
Used to have a job but its much more fun just pissing about as I please. People can't understand it, but I don't care.
Do you have one?
Just getting the map out and dusting down my memory (not so good), here we go, pass Howmoor cottage, going north west, on the track, carry on along the track and the ridge for about 300m swing off the track just before the highest point as it swings right, and go due west (not much of a trail for 150m or so) Red Moss loch (bog) should be on your right (north), the track appears again at a dip and splash, continue west and you should come to a small gate (quad track) the gate may be a little to your left. From the gate go uphill right about 200m??(quad track) then left on flatter ground for 200m (not much trail), the trail appears again and contour round the hill etc as per my web page description.
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