Caldron summit

Yesterday I went over Kaim Hill summit and the downhill, today I thought it would be nice to go over the other hill out my back yard, Caldron, it's 390m high and best got to from the east.
The first part is on tarmac up to Crosbie at 100m, then off road over scary Glentane to the moor road which goes up to 250m, a nice little downhill then push up to the summit, the view in picture is from the summit cairn.
The nice bit about Caldron is it's ridge, running north for 300m from the top, then it's off left across to Glentane.
This time I managed to contour along a rough track round to repeat the Scary Glentane trail and the lower downhill.
It was great fun, apart from the push to the top of Caldron.
PM Anne and I went across to Eglinton for a strole then Kilmaurs to get the new derailuer fitted, next outing will prove if thats been the problem with the gear change.
View Caldron hill route here and Eglinton walk here.
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