The thorn dodging begins

Kilwinning clock tower
Anne is off across the other side of the country to help with the new baby for a few days.
The sun was shining the wind was low, I said goodbye and jumped on the road bike for bit of fresh air and exercise.
The route I chose today was to Stewarton and Dunlop stopping off for a spot of lunch at the Coffee Pot in Stewarton.
Up beyond Stewarton the hedges had been cut so it was a case of thorn dodging, more of the same in the near future I'm sure.
I was out for about 5 hours, had a few beers when I got back, put the photos into the computer, then the boy came in asking if I fancied a little jog up Goldenberry.... no rest for the weary, but off we went and it was a very nice little jog indeed, even if my legs felt a bit heavy.
It was another great day for photos so took lots, you can view some here.
Route description from Eglinton here.
Damm those thorns, i really do hate them.
I tried the Waggon train trail up at Oswald House, and the new section that they are building is good, some really steep hills, both up and down, and the bit up too Annbank, well what can you say about that
Nice to know they'r getting on with it, when the trail opened that bit wasn't in place, it will soon be a grand MTB circuit provided they don't put in too many unfriendly stiles
I am beginning to wonder if they will do a trail along the whole river
You can do the river now all the way to Glenbuck 42miles, of course getting back needs some arrangement.
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