A two hill day

Kaim Hill Old Millstone Quarry
Took a notion to do the Kaim downhill MTB route this morning the sky had that do anything look, it might pour down, the sun might come out, or just stay as is.
Before leaving I made sure the waterproofs were in the bag beside the 'camelback' and mobile phone.
I thought about exploring some recently bulldozed tracks but in the end chose my well tried route over Glentane, a bit dicy but great fun, after the slog up that is.
Today I chose to go right to the top for the full downhill experience, and my was it great. The view was a little limited but the trail was in good condition except for one spot that's getting a bit cut up with use, I may need to give it some attention.
Timed getting back just nicely for lunch.
PM was still a bit of a lottery weather wise so Anne and I took a stroll down at Portencross and back over Goldenberry.
We had given up on the peregrine falcons but today we heard the young ones whining from the cliffs and saw one exercising near the nest (we think).
It looks like we may be lucky enough to see a bit of action from them soon so we need to get down there a bit more often to see them fledging.
I'm looking forward to getting a few pictures and maybe, if I'm really lucky, some video.
Kaim downhill video here.
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