Mount Stuart and Bute

Rothesay Castle
I've been looking for an opportunity to get over to Bute with the idea of viewing Mount Stuart house and doing a bit of mountain biking over the moor tracks, today Anne and I decided to give it a go.
There are two new ferries on the crossing, the Bute and the Argyll, they are identical with strange square towering superstructures that the wind whistles around on all sides so we spent the windy outgoing crossing having a bite to eat keeping out of the breeze.
Mount Stuart is about 6km around the coast from Rothesay just a nice little warm up on the bike, with a bit of off road by the shore in the estate.
Because we came in a strange way it took us a bit of time and cycling to find the ticket office the signs aren't very good, I've yet to see one saying 'ticket office'.
I was hoping to get a few photos or video on the tour but they have a no photo policy inside the house with attendants in every room so didn't get the chance to take any and couldn't find any good ones on the web either but the web site has some Ipix virtual tours to look at. The place is completely built in marble, quite something, £7 a head to get in but there was a water problem during our visit so we got in for a fiver. My big dissappointment was not getting to see the swimming pool below the big hall.
After the tour we looped back over the rough moor track to Rothesay, had some late lunch and caught the 4pm ferry back, nice day out.
Today's photos here.
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