The Backbone of Ayrshire

Wedding at Dundonald Castle 11Aug2006
Was looking for a nice photo of the views Tom and I saw today (I forgot my camera)
and I came across the one above of a bride and maids going into Dundonald Castle for her wedding service. I thought I'd drop it into this entry for no other reason that its a nice happy shot.
Tom and I had a nice happy day too meandering along what I like to call the backbone of Ayrshire, its a route that climbs the hilly ridges of mid Ayrshire and gives great views all round. Today was crystal clear, we could see south to the Merrick, north to Arrochar west to Arran and east to Cairn Table just wonderful.
Of course we couldn't do a loop without a coffee and cake stop and we squeezed one in at Hays Garden World just south of Kilmarnock, great home baking!
My other little task today was sorting out the back freewheel on the mountain bike, I changed it a couple of days ago but it wasn't right, a problem inherent in using old bits, so I had to nip across to Walkers Cycles to buy a new freewheel. What a fiddle it was fitting it! had in bits five times trying to get everything right but got there in the end and having just had the drive train sorted it should be a while before it needs anything else done, fingers crossed.
Also had a half hour jog down the beach but I wish I hadn't bothered I had too much in my stomach and struggled all the way home, another lesson relearned.
Some Ayrshire photos here.
Route description here. and a bit of 'old' video around Irvine and Dundonald.
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