Road biking

Cowslips in pinhole
I've been distracted in the evening recently with developing my own black and white films and pinhole photos on paper, doctoring them up and uploading them to FLICKR.
Anne and I have been out on the road bikes, Saturday past we cycled along to Kilbarchan on a little 10 mile route. I thought at Kilbarchan I could get a few pinhole photos of the church and weavers cottage. I cycled home from Castle Semple giving me about 35 miles.
A route in the area here (longer)
Sunday I pottered about for 6 hours on the road bike to Dundonald castle then over to Barnweil monument. Funny dog up there friendly until I swung my leg over the bike when it went crazy. I got off and it was fine again back on it went daft. The owner finally dragged it away, she wasn't pleased when I called it a silly mutt!
A Barnweill route here but not the one I did from West Kilbride.
Monday more biking this time from Beith to Lochwinnoch via Howwood for Anne.
I cycled home again but it was hard going on the route I chose all against the grain of the land seemed like an infinity of ups and downs.
Similar route here (longer)
Yesterday I just played at photo stuff and had a run down the beach later in the day, wish I hadn't bothered though I was still tired from all that ups and downs from Monday, had to walk several times.
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Today we had a long walk along the hills to Largs, great walk and a great bit of coffee and cake in Craigmiles cafe at the end.
View the Largs route here.
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