Wet but fun

Down the beach this morning there were loads of birds about, wigeon, wagtail, oyster catcher, shell duck, shags and a kestral at the side of the golf course, further along at Ardneil there were greenfinch and goldfinch.
Cycled up Goldenberry for a couple of loops second one it started flinging it down, luckily it was only 20minutes before I could get the waterproofs back off.
Went up the moor, saw a buzzard, did a couple of loops on the moor and downhill, back home for 2pm in great need of lunch.
Also saw another MTbiker but didn't get close enough for a chat he was going down the field to Biglees as I was climbing up the road.
Noticed while washing the bike that the back rim is worn out again, doesn't seem that long since I replaced it.
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