Road and Mountain

Yesterday I thought the weather was to be bright like tuesday so decided to get out on my road bike again.
Anne had very kindly said she'd come and pick me up provided there was a lunch in it for her, so I headed off to Stair on the assumption that I would be wind assisted and the sun would shine, how wrong I was, the wind got up from the south into my face, it was dull and cold, it even snowed for a time, however I shortened the cycling distance to Hays garden centre just south of Kilmarnock and warmed up nicely in their cafe with a lunch of soup, coffee and cake.
Today I chose to stay local on the MTB as it looked dull again, visited the windfarm on Busbie Muir then the windfarm on Blaeloch followed by the Kaim downhill and finally Goldenberry.
It took four hours to do the circuit so I was pretty tired by the time I reached home.
Sitting in the sun by the window I was almost dropping off to sleep so just got up and out again for an hours trail clearing to keep me awake until tea time.
Todays photos here.