Remote Bradshaw

Failie Glen Downhill
The weather people got it wrong today, in a good sense though, they prdicted rain but its been dry all day.
Since the ground is so dry at the moment I though I'd go over the rough side of Fairlie moor past Bradshaw ruin.
The route follows a quad track but if its wet it becomes very hard going but in the dry its 95% rideable.
The route on my web site isn't the best choice so I went over Scary Glentane to the moor road, over to Bradshaw and beyond has some nice bits especially at the gorge waterfall but the highlight is the descent down Fairlie Glen off the moor, 1km and 230m descent on singletrack, fabulous, although there are I'm sure many MTB'rs who'd think the crossing of the moor just too much effort for such a small return, not me though I just love remote places and with a great downhill at the end its always worth it (when its dry or frozen).
Return over Goldenberry of course, Portencross and the beach.
Bumped into some old friends on the way back so stopped for a chat before making my way home to a cool beer or two (after a spot of food shopping).
As I like to say when the weather people get it wrong... 'No bad fur a wet day'
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