Brand new year same old weather

Portencross castle sunset
Anne and I brought in the new year at a ceilidh in West Kilbride public hall, organised by a friend of ours along the road.
I'm pleased to say it went really well, he got 40 folk over the break even point and the profit will go to the hall fund, over £400... well done John!
Hogmanay weather was rubbish, Edinburgh and Glasgow Hogmanay street parties were called off due to the terrible weather, shame.
The only exercise I managed was a jog along the beach in the one dry hour of the day about 3pm.
The first day of 2007 was almost as bad, Anne and I went for a walk in Fairlie, but got rather muddy and wet, then we called in on my cycling pal Tom before heading back for some late lunch.
PM I went up a secret trail for a couple of hours to remove debris brought down by last nights high winds, there's still one larger fallen tree that will need the big saw, a little outing for another time soon.
Well, thats the silly season over, time to get back to normal and loose the extra festive pounds around the waist, this calls for discipline and hard work, or in my case, more fun on the bike!
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