A cool days cycle

Blue Tit at Lochwinnoch RSPB centre
Peeking out toward the coming weather yesterday I could see a pretty rainbow below a dark cloud, time to have another cup of tea and a bit of internet surfing while the weather decided what it was up to. Luckily in 40minutes or so the sky was clear almost from horizon to horizon, time to break out the road bike for the second time this year. Looking at my blog for last year I can see I'd been out several times in February, although it was cold there seems to have been less wind and rain last year.
On my bike but where to go, never a question that goes unanswered long, Dalgarven for an early cuppa?.......Stewarton and the Coffee Pot Cafe?......Lochwinnoch RSPB?.....yip! that'll do nicely. Ah but which route?.....so it goes on until its all decided, then I change my mind. I did a couple of route changes to visit some little roads I hadn't been on for a long time and risking getting mildy lost. By the time I got to the RSPB centre I was in need of a warm up. At this time of year I find it hard to go slow enough to keep warm, sounds strange I know, but if I go just a little too fast I sweat up and then the cold goes right though the sweat and chills me. If I put on another layer I sweat even more and get more chilled, a vicious circle, the only solution I've found is to keep the pace down, spin the legs and try to stay cool without sweating.
Lochwinnoch RSPB was pleasantly quiet when I arrived, I enjoyed a half hour break of tea, coffee and cake while videoing a few birds. There were some lovely little long tailed tits at the feeders but they darted about so much that I couldn't get a clip. I did get clips of Goldfinches and blue tits, then a crowd of youngsters came in, time to leave. I was nicely warmed up by then and ready to tackle the cycle home but which route?....the Sustrans cycle way?....Fairlie moor?....yes, the moor it is.... I need the workout to get ready for the long summer days on the bike.
Sometime soon I'll get around to puting some of the bird clips into another video but some photos can be viewed here and the route description here.
Video of a recent vist here.
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