Kaim quarry challenge

Starting Kaim Quarry challenge
On Friday I wrote about doing work up in Kaim Quarry sorting out a few linked steep rocky descent lines to give a little challenging route on the steep side of the quarry.
Well yesterday I set off from home to give them a try. I felt a bit strange going over Glentane, in two minds about doing them. I had conciously chickened out and was just going to have a muddy cycle to Largs but subconciously I must have wanted to do them because at the decision point I just kept going up to the quarry.
It was all a bit too scary for me really but I did all the lines without mishap, just as well 1000ft up in the middle of nowhere alone is no place to have a bad fall.
I suppose it wasn't very clever on my part but I was pleased I overcame my fear at the top of each section and did all of them, there was a lot of verbal encouragement (cursing) going on especially on the one I'd taken a minor fall on last week (due to a slack head set).
Shot some video but yahoo seems to be acting up so have still to upload it, just about to try again.....nope yahoo doesn't like it so I'll try later...view here
Or see a version put through plymedia.
Think I've got to the bottom of the yahoo video upload failure. It fails if I load a video that is a mix from windows movie Maker and Cyberlink Power director so I'll need to watch out for that in the future.
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