Frosty by the River Ayr

Giant Hogweed
Went down to the river Ayr with Graham today thinking it would be mild and windy.
It was 5degc in West Kilbride but by the river it was more like -2degc and I had not put on a base layer... silly me!
It wasn't very long before I warmed up a blink or two of sun and a couple of climbs and I was fine.
After yesterday's rain I was really surprised how much ice was in the river and on the paths, I think Ayr area had clear skies last night and a sharp frost, even the frozen mud was slippy.
We did three hours along the river and investigated a bit of Barskimming track before heading back to Stair Inn for Tomato and Turkey soup, just the job for a cold day.
View pictures here.
Video of a visit here
Similar route description here.
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