A touch of spring

Coltsfoot near Stair 27th Feb
Failford to Stair yesterday in clear skies felt like spring and as if to prove it we came across a blooming clotsfoot by the river near Stair.
According to a web source the leaves can be used as a herbal remedy for coughs. Could have done with that last week.
Today Anne and I went over to Castle Semple for a walk.
It was surprisingly cool beside the loch until we got into Parkhill Wood, the birds were singing, the sun was shining and there were even a bunch of kids out mountain biking.
We had lunch at Craigmiles and then Anne dropped me off at Hunterston so that I could walk over Goldenberry home.
Well it was lovely! snowdrops, and daffodils in Hunterston estate and warm sunshine along Seamill beach.
Took a few photos along the way and have put them together with one or two others on to flickr, view them here.
PS I seem to be having trouble uploading to jumpcut so maybe it won't work out, shame it looked like it may have been interesting.