On the bike at last

Portencross Castle at sunset
At last! got out on the bike for almost 4hours today over to Busbie Muir Windfarm nice up there cool and clear. Passed a farmer chap on a tractor, not unusual except this tractor was a vintage thing all bright and newly painted, so what he was doing way up on the windfarm beats me.
When Anne and I find something inexpicable out there in the big wild back country I just say "Don't understand it, it must be a country thing"
Came back down via Law Castle for a bit of lunch back home before setting out on leg two down the beach over Goldenberry and up Biglees quarry onto the moor.
Unfortunately the clay pigeon shooters were in the quarry, so rather than have bits of the things falling on my head I took a really crappy detour through a field. I'm not very fond of the shooting brigade. They just ain't a nice quiet group out enjoying the peace and quite of the countryside like most others on a nice bright Sunday afternoon.
Anyway they didn't spoil the run entirely still got in a nice little downhill bit before heading home, happy to be a cyclist again.
Video below or click the link below it for a bigger version.
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