Photo tinkering

Mark III slot shutter attachment for my LUMIX FZ18
Finished the second version of my long exposure attachment this morning and nipped down to Portencross to give it a try.
Got a nice(ish) set of photos out of it and combined three to get the heavily cropped image below, all from 8 second exposures.
I just love the misty water effect of the long exposures and that's really what all this photo tinkering is about, misty waves and smooth clouds.
Looks like I'm making progress.

The mark II version was still a pain to operate so I set to work to improve things and by the end of the day mark III was done.
I must say I'm very pleased with my duct tape masterpiece, can't wait to give it a try in bright conditions.
With the neutral filter in place it gives an increase in exposure of about 100X and with the new streamlined version it is much easier to operate.
View a very few photos here.
Late PM the showery sky cleared and I got out down the Glen for a short jog, didn't wear my new running shoes, it was so wet I just didn't want to get them soggy and muddy first time out.
Weather forecast is better for tomorrow so might just manage to get something done on the bike, hope so, and of course try out markIII exposure thingy.
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