Dunoon arboreum at last

At last, Anne and I got over to Dunoon for a walk around Kilmun arbouretum.
The Forestry people have maintained three trails around the arboretum, very steep in places but by doing the blue and the red there is a good hours walk or more if like me you take a few photos on the way, colours were nice but not great.
Spot of lunch at Benmore Botanic Garden cafe and then along to Ardentinny for phase two of woodland walks.
Nice view of Adentinny from the shore and a very pleasant hours walk to Lover's Leep although the leap didn't really materialise. I think a bit of poetic license is at play with this one.
Finally a loop over to Loch Eck to the viewpoint above Whistlefield. It was the back of 3pm when we got there so the light was really crap. I shot enough for a stitched panorama but haven't bothered.
It would have been nice to get some better light for the photos but it was a lovely day out in the Highlands.
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PS Wish I could spell.... abouretum = arboretum in the slideshow.... ho humm.. in the wider scheme of things its of little consequence.....err....who's wider scheme??? Oh dear I feel a philosophical chasm opening before me, please just forget I went there.
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