An unplanned early rise

Portencross Castle sunrise
Got up to the loo at about 5.30 this morning and peeked out the window to see if the full moon was about. The sky looked nice in the moonlight, it was dry and I immediately thought I might get a nice moon setting and sunrise down Portencross way.
Got into some warm cloths as quickly and quietly as possible to give it a go.
I learned quite a bit about light painting with a flash and torch, don't point the torch or flash at the camera, don't stay static too long...the list goes on and on.
I was standing down by the waters edge just finished a photo when I noticed a bigger than normal wave coming in, the wake of a big ship I'd seen earlier. I had to get the camera and me out the way quick or we might both have got a soaking. Didn't do much for my confidence by the waters edge.
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Late morning Anne and I had a walk along the beach, lunch at Craigmiles in Largs and finally I took my new running shoes a short jog down onto the beach trying to avoid the worst of the weed and mud along the way.
Nice day out doing nothing much.
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