Local fun

Didn't exactly feel full of beans this morning but the weather looked ok so Tom and I had a cycle over to Dalgarven and down to Kilwinning back along the sea front.
It threatened to rain but luckily it blew south away from us.
PM went over to the quarry on the MTB, met an old aquaintance in the fishery, he was just going up to fly his paraglider off Kaim hill.
He is very accomplished at moutain biking, paragliding, and telemark skiing and is always just back or just on his way to some adventure or other.
I left him, scooted downhill, slogged over Goldenberry to the beach track, back in time for tea.
From the amount of times that you visit that quarry, i take it thats it got some good trails
Just one thrilling downhill and a great view the variation is the routes up there.
That would stop you getting bored by riding the same trails, although with the speed that that the undergrowth is growing, the trails do change slightly
As you no dout have noticed from when the weather is poor I sometimes go out and do a bit of undergrowth bashing, but it just keep growing.
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