East Ayrshire Off Road Part 2

Loch Doon
Bright and breezy from the south west sounded good for the second part of the East Ayrshire route from Stinchar Bridge to New Cumnock, just had to check that Anne would pick me up, she agreed and I was on my way down to the start by 9.45.
It proved a nice day for it, and the route was great, all remote tracks over moor and mainly open forest, there is only one place on route that passes a farm, Eriff, and as luck would have it the shepherd was home for lunch back door wide open. As I past through the yard two tied dogs made some vicious noises and I was greeted by his two not so friendly great danes cantering out of the house, frightening! Fortunately more noise than bite but it was not very nice.
I'll put a warning in the route description, there is a short push alternative I may have to check out next time I'm down that way.
By the end of the day although I had a great four hours cycling but with all the car shuffling Anne and I had accumulated more driving time than I had cycling time, so much for saving energy by cycling!
A few photos here