Lochwinnoch by road

It looked quite nice out the window this morning so listened in to the weather forecast it seemed OK so gave giving Tom a phone.
He was just thinking of getting out and about and was quite happy to have a cycle.
We went across to Dalry in the car to save the out and back hour of cycling and cycled over to Lochwinnoch on the little back roads.
On the way I decided to go down a route I normally avoid due to dog chasing, but I wondered if things might have changed.
The dog was still there but is past the chasing thing, still had a good bark at Toms feet, luckily not bothering with me.
We stopped off at the RSPB for a hot chocolate and warm up, total of three hour on the road bike was a nice change.
Got back at 2pm in time for a short walk with Anne, but I felt a bit chilled from the cycle so didn't go far, then decided to have a little jog down at Portencross, it was quite nice although wet and muddy underfoot.
The extra effort of jogging kept me warm along the shore front into the breeze, a nice full day.
Some Lochwinnoch photos here.
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