Busy day

Dry stane sunset
When a good day like today comes along in amongst all these wet unpredictable days I feel the urgent need to get out and about as much as possible today was one of those.
The skies had cleared and by 10am the sun was looking good and bright so I got out on the road bike for a couple of hours over the back roads on my Dalgarven Mill route.
Its like the farmers have booby trapped the back roads with thorns, cycling concentration comes down to about five feet in front of the wheel all tensed up ready to dodge when one appeared, it really pisses me off, I think some of the ******** scatter as many and as thickly as they can, at times I've carried the bike along perfectly good roads just to avoid certain pucture! Luckily today there was only about 2 miles of easy grade thorn dodging before I could settle back and enjoy the cycling. Had tea and cake at the mill before heading home for lunch.
PM Anne and I went off down the beach for an hours walk but it was only 3.15 when we got back, too early and still too nice to stay in so I went off again up my favourite hill to see the sunset, not a huge one but I got a few nice photos out of it.
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