Seal release at Portencross

Seal pup being released at Portencross
Haven't been up to much over the past couple of days, yesterday was like a day at the beach. Walked down there in the morning with Anne for a couple of hours then played with filters at Portencross then down the beach again for a jog.
Today was a another Portencross day still trying to suss out how to make best use of my new photograghic filters. Still got a lot to learn but I'm slowly getting used to using them. Problem is I'm only getting a very few decent results for a lot of time and effort, hope that improves soon.
While down there I was lucky enough to witness and film the release of a couple of seal pups by Hessilhead Wildlife rescue they were very cute but looked a bit puzzled about what was going on. One of the folk told me they had been looked after for 5 months getting fat and healthy enough to be released.
View todays photo slideshow here.
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