Car shopping completed

The car shopping has ended , for now at least, my son has just aquired a new(ish) car, it has most of the spec he wanted, two doors, 1600cc engine, nice part leather seats, CD, air con, but it's NOT black, it's very very red, he's happy and the nag nag nag will have stopped. Just hope he's careful in it.
Pre car shopping this morning managed to get out on the MTB for a few hours.
The wind was south easterly so couldn't resist going down the beach, glad I did the tide was in and waves were rolling in crashing over the rocks in the sun, it was grand to see.
It's been a little drier the past 2 days so came back up to WK to go up to Crosbie and over scary Glentane. The wind was a little brisk so had a few extra thrills (wobbles), then decide to go up Kaim and do the full downhill, but also looped back over Biglees quarry to get a part repeat before getting home for late lunch and the car pick up with my son.
A very satisfying day.
PS the picture above is Cervinia in Italy sunshine at minus 27degC and a stiff breeze, that was ccccold!!