Dean to Lanfine

Fishery Craufordland Estate
I miscalculated today, or perhaps underestimated is a better word, Graham fancied two to three hours out on the MTBs but we managed to notch up 4.5hrs.....oops!
We started at Dean park in Kilmarnock, its not very good for cycling until recently all bikes were prohibited but now there is a cycle route through the park linking to Irvine but the cycle route is rubbish......well not my cup of old railway, I'd rather navigate along the minor roads, stopping off at a cafe somewhere along the way.
Today I'd planned a bit of off road from Dean Park through Craufordland estate, minor roads and some lovely short singletrack toward Loudoun Kirk, Lanfine and down by Cessnock Castle to Galston.
In the end there was more road than off road but Graham and I both enjoyed the new combination of trails and the mild weather.
I shot a bit of video as we cycled along, it can be viewed here.
A photo slide show here.
Similar route description here