Sleaty morning

Bellisle Park Ayr
It sleating outside so thought I'd do a blog entry while waiting for it to pass over, trouble is I haven't been doing much since Sunday's outing with Craig to Loch Bradan. The weather has been mostly wet so I've been spending my time outdoors trail hunting up in Kelburn.
I've found one downhill line which I've cleared ready to give a try and another possible line I'm going out to look at today. It's quite relaxing meandering about looking for natural downhill mountain bike lines sheltered from the worst of the weather by the trees.
Yesterday was better than some but not good enough for the bike so Anne and I decided to go for a sheltered walk through Rozelle and Bellilse parks in Ayr with the extra bonus of lunch at the Secret Garden Tea room.
Alloway is Robert Burns birthplace and being close to Burns day the 'Tam O'Shater' visitor centre was chock a block, three bus loads and cars everywhere, we skipped it in favour of the Secret Garden Tea room.
A nice walk for an iffy day.
Some Ayrshire photos here.
The walking route can be viewed here.
Still sleating out there but its time to get out.
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