A walk around Neilston Pad

Ploughing near West Kilbride
Anne's been suffering from a cold but was feeling a bit better this morning and fancied a short walk. I decided to go over to Neilston Pad, have a short walk with Anne and then cycle back home.
It was lovely and clear on the hilltop at Neilston, we could see over the top of Glasgow city all the way to Ben Lomond, the Arrochar alps and further into the Highlands.
Neilston Pad is a bit small for a 'serious' walk it only takes about an hour to go round at a leisurely stroll, but the views are great although, because of the trees, there is nowhere to get a full 360deg panorama.
Anne left me and the bike there and I set off down to Stewarton's Coffee Pot cafe for lunch, then back home via Kilwinning and the coast cycleway. It was quite hard work, clouds came over and a bit of a cool headwind got up taking a most of the fun out of it.
All mile in the legs though and that's what its all about at this time of year.....isn't it?
Very short boring (VSB) video here.
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