A short trip to the Highlands

Young mouse on todays trail
I took the Argyll ferry crossing this morning but was a bit late on the go so decided to part with cash and go in the car, £25 return - ouch!
I intended playing about in Glen Branter, sampling the downhill and then the other routes.
I did the downhill and was disappointed partly with myself, partly with the trail.
It had the usual forestry climb in tree cover, oh so boring then the trail was broken up by fire roads, one of them quite a bit downhill, what a waste!
When I got to the bottom the words that came out were "That was crap"!
I couldn't get the hang of the berms, I realise now that if I'd put my seat down a bit I'd have got on better, but didn't seem to have the confidence to lean the bike and keep the speed up.
I couldn't face more fire road trail in the forest and didn't understand what the new signs were saying. One junction had blue route indicators both sides, so decided to do the Loch Eck circuit, at least I'd have some nice views for my efforts.
Glad I did it was fabulous (after the monster climb up to the east side of the glen). The sun shone, it was cool and clear, and the views were great!
Stopped off at the cafe in Ben More gardens for a bit of strawberry cream tart and coffee...yummy! before sauntering back along the west side of Loch Eck back to the car.
Great day out, see SB video here and route details here.
I think I've settled on humyo.com for free file storage (GPX navigation files) esnips is just so full of rubbish it puts me right off using them, humyo just does what I ask no fuss and no adverts (almost).
I've put about 40 GPX file on there so far but still got to link to most of them from the key map page of my web site, all seems to be working out though.
OOPS! I take that back, its all a bit of a guddle so I've taken out the GPS links until I've sorted it...what a faff!
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