A mixed week end

Custom Ford Popular 1959
This little beauty was outside my neighbours Saturday midday, apparantly there was a custom car rally at Eglinton today, I missed it cause I was off on another short trip to the Highlands (Dunoon) investigating trails.
Yesterday was also the West Kilbride flower show, a lovely (cut throat) community event.
I'm really only interested because Anne enters her wine into the show.
The wine section isn't a big thing, there were only 5 sets of entries but one nice thing that happens is a spot of prize wine tasting after the show closes.
The wine club (and friends) all leave with bit of a warm glow.
Annes lovely dry apple won the wine trophy this year again, last year it was her last minute blend of apple and elderflower that won, much to both our surprise.
All last years home made wine is now available for drinking, so its days are numbered.
A bit of video here.
Today as I said, I went over the (Clyde) water to do a bit of exploring at Ardyne point mainly to check out the link track between the forest roads.
Sure enough there is a very nice link trail between the forest tracks allowing a loop in the forest without coming down to the road.
Its best done east to west but its also nice to come down to the road to get the best of the downhill.
I haven't worked out how best to incorporate it into a route but I'm sure something will come to me soon.
Best Dunoon route is still the Loch Eck circuit.
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